Ministers Council Pre-Biennial Event:
Servants of the Jubilee
The Ministers Council of the ABC-USA is hosting a pre - Biennial: Mission Summit event on Thursday, June 20, for ministers and clergy, chaplains and pastors, and church leaders at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. Cost for the day’s event is $ 20.00 and includes a buffet luncheon.
Celebrating the theme of Jubilee, morning and afternoon sessions hope to provide a biblical understanding of the Jubilee using writings from the Old and New Covenants. Our aim is to explore the implications and contours for a 21st century American Baptist people.
The day will begin mid-morning @ 10:00 am and conclude at 4:30 pm. We hope you will plan to join us as we discover the meaning of “the Year of the Lord’s favor.”
Watch for details in the next few months as these plans come together.
Registration for this event can be found on the ABC Mission Summit Website: click here

Pre-Biennial Ministers Council Meetings
Monday, June 17 at 4:00 pm
The Ministers Council Leadership Team convenes – Virginia Beach
Tuesday, June 18 at 4:00 pm
Ministers Council Representatives convenes – Virginia Beach